My sister got engaged last weekend! What the WHAT!? Little
sister isn’t so little anymore.
Though I have known this was going to happen since November,
I’ve had to keep my mouth shut until now.
My soon to be bro-in-law has been so sensitive through this whole
process, knowing how terribly I wanted to be present for the big day. Before I left for Cape Town I had
specifically asked him if he was planning on proposing before I got back,
figuring I could mentally prepare myself either way. At that moment in time in October, it wasn’t on
his radar for anytime soon- I was in the clear. Within the
span of a month many things changed.
Sean got a job, life started moving forward, and he needed his lady at
his side- the next chapter was here and I was in Madagascar.
The night Sean asked my blessing to marry my sister, I thought my heart was going to come out of my mouth. I knew it was so right, but I was so sad. I took it
immediately to the Lord, asked Him to speak life and hope as only He could to comfort
Things went quiet for the next month or so. I was helping
Sean pick out the ring based on conversations with Linds and rings she had
tried on with me. By the end of
December, he had the ring.
Once the new year came, everything moved pretty fast. Mom and Dad gave their blessing, the place
and time was set, and the after party was planned.
Days leading up to the engagement I was working night shift
on the ship. The night of the engagement
I was on night 3 of 4. It worked out
though, because my friends on the ship all offered support leading up to it, hugs,
my roommate started my night shift for me, because Linds literally called me
minutes before my shift was supposed to start.
The day of, I was an emotional mess, but blessings were peaking
through nonetheless. It was a Sunday,
and every Sunday I meet with several women on the ship for what we call Love
Dinner. This was perfectly timed because
they encouraged me to enter into those feelings of bittersweet joy and sorrow as
they prayed over me. Then we had church,
where my favorite chaplain was preaching.
She reminded me of the fatherly qualities my Father possesses, and returning
to the root of who He is as Dad. I was
in tears the whole time. My emotions
were rising; toward the end of church, I realized I was in the moments leading
up to Sean proposing on the other half of the world, and my poor body didn’t
know what it wanted. I was anxious,
panicky, sad, angry, happy, annoyed, irritated, selfish…I had to try to remain
in the presence of the only One who could comfort me the way I needed it
because nothing else could.
In those moments during church, the Lord put on my heart “immeasurably
more,” reminding me of the infinite capacity He has to do anything and
everything He wants and that He works all things for the good of those who love
Him, who have been called according to His purpose. I recognized I’m included in that group.
As soon as I saw Linds on my phone, I lost it. The engagement was perfect, like I said,
tears were everywhere, I got to talk to Linds right after it happen, then
Facetime in for the surprise engagement, have my other sister read a toast I
had prepared. For the cards we were dealt,
it was as perfect as it could be, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
My guest appearance on Dad's phone! |
Night shift was not kind to me the coming day, I was woken
up by the deck crew banging on something below me, I didn’t sleep well and I was
throwing a pity party for one. I was sad
that I was so far away from family. I was
upset that I was tired, I didn’t feel like being in Madagascar anymore. I was mad at myself for even thinking these
things especially after how long I have waited to get here. Ugly ugly cycle, especially on night shift brain.
I read this that next night after the engagement. It’s a prayer from the book Valley of
Vision, a collection of beautiful Puritan prayers that a great friend gave
me for my birthday a few years back. This is an excerpt from the prayer “Year’s
"…Thy goodness will be with me in the year
I hoist sail and draw up anchor,
With thee as the blessed pilot of my future as
of my past.
I bless thee that thou hast veiled my eyes to
the waters ahead.
If thou hast appointed storms of tribulation,
thou wilt be with me in them;
If I have to pass through tempests of
persecution and temptation,
I shall not drown;
I am to die,
shall see thy face the sooner;
If a painful end is to be my lot,
grant me grace that my faith fail not;
If I am to be cast aside from the service I
I can make no stipulation;
glorify thyself in me whether in comfort or trial,
as a chosen vessel meet always for thy use. " (italics added by me)
I had been praying all day for something to knock me back on
course. I could sense I had lost my
luster for my time here and I didn’t know what I needed, but God did. I read this prayer and immediately felt sobered.
God doesn’t promise me another day other than the one I’m
living right now. He doesn’t have to
wake me up in the morning, give me breath, and thoughts, and control of my
muscles to get out of bed, but today He
chose to give that to me. Even though I
woke up with very different intentions, He did not withhold this day from
me. I was brought to a state of repentance
as soon as I read those words. I was
sorry that I ever took for granted the gift of this day, of each day in this
life for that matter. I recognized I don’t have to make
it through the rest of this field service, even the rest of this year; the Lord
could take me tomorrow. He knows how
much my heart hurts not to be with my sister and my family during this exciting
time. But He also knows what He’s doing
by keeping me here.
So I’m faced with a question each day from here on out. “Am I going to spend this day questioning God
why I’m not home with the people and friends I want to be with right now, or am
I going to deny my flesh and look at what the Lord wants to show me today?” Remember, I am loved and cherished and an
heir of Christ from the moment I wake up because I've accepted Him in my heart.
There’s nothing I can do to be snatched from my Father’s hand. He’s got things He wants to tell me, but I
have to do my part in abiding in Him. He
can and will do immeasurably more in celebrating my sister’s engagement when I
get back, immeasurably more in my time remaining in Madagascar, immeasurably
more in my singleness, but it’s foolish to worship the prospects of these
things and not the Giver. I haven’t been
forgotten just because I am away from Virginia.
The Lord sees me today, he tells me He will never leave me or forsake
me, He is my Helper and in Him I can take refuge.
Let’s just say I’ve been doing a lot of self talk reminders
lately. It’s a good place, He’s
comforting me, He’s bringing peace.
There’s been more rejoicing in the morning and less sorrow.
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